Beginner’s Pyhton Programming Tutorial

Huseyin Baytar
6 min readNov 4, 2023

Greetings to all data science enthusiasts,

As I mentioned in my previous post, I will write an article about what we learned in a 10-week boot camp. Let’s start with the first part:

We began our first week by learning Python. Python is a general-purpose language. Due to its general-purpose nature, its community is highly developed. Python has many options for deep learning, data science, and machine learning. In terms of functionality, Python can easily perform vectorized operations with libraries. Python is a low-level language, making it easier to communicate with the operating system and providing us with speed. Python’s community support, rich library ecosystem, and readability are more human-friendly, making Python the preferred choice.

Let’s start with data types. We have:

  • Numbers: integers, floats, complex numbers
  • Strings
  • Boolean: True/False
  • List, Dictionary, Tuple, Set

Now that we’ve learned about data types, let’s look into them in detail and what we can do with them.

Firstly, Lets say we have a float number 10.5, and we want to convert it to an integer. It’s simple; just write ‘int’ before the number in parentheses, like this: ‘int(10.5)’…



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